Southern Model Airshow 2007


RCM&E visited the Hop Farm last weekend so here are a few photos from around the show. More than any other event I’ve visited this year, the Southern Model Airshow seems to attract families and folks who wouldn’t normally attend a model flying event. In some way this is probably due to the family facilites available at the Hop farm whilst taking nothing away from the huge effort and hard work put in by the Croydon Airport MFC. The demise of Sandown along with the fact that this show is just about the only large event in the South East and the fact that many local flyers rarely drive north to attend say, Cosford or the Nats’ has placed the Hop Farm firmly on the map.


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The Ken Sheppard Blohm and Voss, what a great model

Ali’s ‘190 chases a Thunderbolt up the strip


The bring and buy stall, bargain anyone?

It’s not every day that you see an inverted Lanc’.


Jug attack!

No prizes for guessing what’s about to happen…


Raymond Watts sent in this great shot of the Dave Stephens Hawk alongside Ali’s Learjet

The symbol of the show

Mr Laser himself, Neil Tidey flew this lovely Supermarine S5/6


The Reds firing up!

Use enough dynamite there guys?

This full-size helicopter display was superb, the chopper weaving in and out of the trees and impressing the crowd

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