Colin Lowe's superb Nijhuis Lancaster cruising past. Glass covered, it uses 4 x 2831-1000 motors and scale 3-blade props. A 3S 5000mAh battery provides 12 minutes of flying time.
Another year brought another great Bickley electric fly-in. The mid-May event at the north Kent club was again blessed by perfect weather; low winds, clear skies and burning sunshine which pretty much guaranteed a good turn out. Lot's of models, smooth organisation, a friendly atmosphere and good humoured flightline, what more could you want.
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Colin Lowe launches George Worley's Parkzone Habu.

Dave Chinnery brought along his latest design, this Reid and Sigrist RS-1.
Sadly I didn't get the details for this pretty little Monocoupe.

Kent and the South East is home to several of the UK's large distributors some of whom visit. Flown by Century UK's Mark Tibury, This is Art-Tech's new Cessna – EPO foam, looked good and flew well.

John Ransom spent the winter building a new Corsair following an accident flying his first model. That's dedication.

Colin Lowe's Lanc in close up.

Steve Brett's Mosquito on finals.

Mark Styles brought this Seagull PC-9. Uses 8S with a 1.20 equiv outrunner.

Ali Newman flew this intruging electric Panic prototype. Note the curious slotted wing.
This early production foamy WOT4 was flown by Ripmax's Wood family. It flew well but no news on a definite release date as yet.

Brian Gaskin's latest design is this graceful contra-prop model. Seen here receiving it's first flight with
Kevin Saunders at the sticks.

Parkzone's Radian glider has sold in large numbers proving there's always room for another good motor glider.
Nick Butler brought this amazing Hornet. Built to his own design, the EDF model is all-composite and incredibly detailed.

The blunt end of Kevin Saunders' Mig 29……

…which flew very well. The Fly Fly model is glassed with an all-moving tail and air retracts. Uses 2 x Jepe fans, 2 x 80 amp ESC and a 6S 4300mAh Li-Po. Weighs 5.5lbs.

Nick Butler with his incredible Blackbird. Again an own-design, the model uses twin 70mm fans and two Lahner motors that each generate 1700g of thrust. The model weighs 8lbs, uses a gyro on ailerons, has concealed control surface links and all flying rudders. The only aspect that's not quite scale is the wing section – even the pilots are exact scale models.
The project took 7 years to bring to fruition and was made from fibreglass in moulds that Nick himself created. He says it flies well (bungee ramp launch required) but the C of G is sensitive to within 3mm!

Stuart Warne with his Hurricane built from the Balsacraft kit.

The Beavor family get their F-84 aloft. The clear blue sky and scorching sun were permanent features on the day.