EasyStar 2


Multiplex have upgraded their classic and much imitated EasyStar trainer in the form of the appropriately named EasyStar 2.
Significantly the introduction of optional ailerons combined with a new brushless motor should move performance levels up a few notches, the new folding prop to reduce drag also doing no harm. It doesn’t stop there though as an enlarged battery bay will now swallow large Li-Pos with ease so delivering flight times exceeding 60 minutes with the right battery.
If all that’s not enough then the removable stabiliser helps the model break down for storage and transportation.
It’s due in the UK during December with the kit RRP approx £64.99 and the RR (ready to run) version at £149.99. Power sets both with and without battery are also available. The RR version is pre-built complete pre-fitted with servos, power system, motor and prop so requiring just a 3S 2000mAh Li-Po battery and a receiver.

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