New Miles Sparrowhawk from Seagull


We’ve had news of this new ARTF kit from J.Perkins Distribution. The model is from Seagull and so new in fact that it missed the recent Nuremburg trade show. The Miles Sparrowhawk was a 1930’s vintage racing plane designed for the Kings Cup Air Races. It’s full of character and credit must go to Seagull/JP for producing a model that’s attractive yet so very different to the norm.

The model is a full ARTF and the quality of the review kit we’ve received at RCM&E is simply superb. Available in two sizes, the most popular will probably be the 70″ span version we have here and designed for a 1.20 four-stroke (26cc petrol). The larger version will be for a 50-62cc petrol engine. The kits should arrive some time in June, prices have yet to be announced.

The J.Perkins website will have more information in due course. Click here to go there.


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