The November 2007 edition of RCM&E is out soon and it’s crammed full of columns, features and reviews from all your favourite contributors. This month’s reviews include:
Features include, ‘The Need for Speed’ where Andy Ellison starts to chronicle his new jet flying experience – an eight part series that’ll show you how to achieve success yourself.
In ‘Project Bushwhacker’ Alex Whittaker tackles the fuel tank and er…builds one! Whilst Tony Jones continues his electric flight primer series for beginners in ‘On the Quiet’
Nigel Hawes investigates a new brushless twin-motor contra-rotating prop unit in his Fly Electric column whilst we have a superb photo report from the Scale Nationals flightline.
Have you ever found your computer radio baffling? Fear not, Chris Broad is on hand to shine a light and banish your fears and we also test a new safety switch harness from Multiplex.
This month’s free plan is from Cyril Carr’s drawing board – his Fokker DR1 is a lightweight scale parkflyer that looks and flys a treat and we also bring a second installment of the Bloody Mary airliner from our October issue.
If any of that tickles your fancy then be sure to pop along to your newsagent or model shop and pick up the latest issue of RCM&E for just £3.80. Better still, why not save yourself some money over the long run and subscribe?