Ultra Micro Cub



Rudder/elevator/throttle is all the model needs.

We bound our Cub to a JR transmitter and have found that, unlike Parkzone's earlier P-51 Mustang, this model needs neither dual rates nor exponential which is good news for Spektrum DX5 users who don't have these facilties. It balances and flies very well with the stock battery from which comfortable 10-minute flight times can be enjoyed.


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This is a rudder/elevator/throttle model then yet ailerons are never missed, the model just doesn't need them banking and turning beautifully without. 

It was designed to fly slowly and while quicker than a Vapor, this it does very well. The Cub has no pretentions to speed or manoueverability yet has remained our indoor favourite these last few months. How so? Well it's just the perfect combination. A combination of appearance allied to great flying characteristics. It looks good and flies beautifully well without any adjustments or tweaks. Parkzone's P-51 is very popular but it's a fast little thing which is where the slow flying attributes of the Cub really come into their own especially in small spaces – the Cub gives you time to think, time to enjoy yourself without the constant worry of having to avoid solid objects.  

At first glance you'd dismiss the model as, well, yet another Cub but fly it and you'll quickly appreciate its many charms. Everybody stopped to watch when we flew this model at an indoor flying session last month, then everybody wanted a go – hot shot 3D pilots too. That's how nice it is.  



  • Name – Ultra Micro J-3 Cub
  • Model type – Indoor flyer 
  • Manufactured by – Parkzone
  • UK distributor – Horizon Hobby UK, www.horizonhobbyuk.co.uk 
  • Typical price  – £70 (BNF) 
  • Wingspan – 18"
  • All-up weight – 24g 


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